Instead of using a typical one or zero to represent "on" and "off", a smiley face and a frowney face could also be used. If a smiley face represented "on" and a frowney face represented "off", then a message could be decoded from the 5-digit binary system.
1 2 4 8 16
:( :( :( :) :(
:) :( :) :( :(
:) :( :) :) :(
:) :( :) :) :(
:) :( :( :( :)
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.E 6.F 7.G 8.H 9.I 10.J 11.K 12.L 13.M 14.N 15.O 16.P 17.Q 18.R 19.S 20.T 21.U 22.V 23.W 24.X 25.Y 26.Z
At least I know my alphabet